The Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network is a listing directory, marketing & news resource to promote and celebrate the diversity & creativity of the fiber arts community of the greater Hudson Valley region - from New York City to the Canadian border, along the I-87 and Hudson River corridor and surrounding areas.
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In celebration of Women's History Month, the City of Kingston, NY, Woodstock Weavers, and the Arts Society of Kingston will host a special event, "All Was Done by Hand: Home Production of Nineteenth Century Textiles," at Kingston City Hall on Saturday, March 29, 2025, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. The event is free and open to the public. Kingston City Hall is located at 420 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401.
The textile showcase is one among many programs scheduled at City Hall Kingston celebrating the legacy of Sojourner Truth. The goal is to bring awareness of the textile work of the period and its contemporary practice.
Highlighting the role of textile work in the 19th century and its evolution into modern craft practices, the "All Was Done By Hand" event will feature demonstrations of various textile techniques and a "Fleece to Shawl" showcase illustrating the transformation of raw wool into a woven shawl through carding, spinning, and weaving.
Demonstrations from Woodstock Weavers, Elmendorph Hand Spinners, Wiltwyck Quilters Group, DCSWGA Rug Hooking Group, Ulster Hand Spinners, New England Lace Group, and independent artisans from throughout the Hudson Valley will include weaving on a variety of looms, spinning yarn and wool processing, basket making, embroidery, quilting, rug hooking, and lacemaking.
The event will also feature educational materials that detail the history and significance of in-home textile production and the role it played in women's work, especially during the period of Sojourner Truth's life. In addition to "All Was Done By Hand" event, the bronze statue, "Sojourner Truth: First Step to Freedom," depicting Sojourner Truth by sculptor Trina Greene, and on loan from SUNY New Paltz, will be on display on the first floor and the FREEDOM! exhibition featuring local artists will be on display on the ground floor.
For more information:
All Was Done By Hand - Women's History Month, Kingston NY
For the poster. Please feel free to share, print out, and post:
All Was Done By Hand Poster
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We welcome Kati Did Originals, listed in the SHOPS section. Thank you for your support.
We are accepting new listing-sponsorships and listing only entries.
To apply, here's info on How to Apply page.
Or access directly the Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network Short Form Application - PDF Format
Listing only is only $35 per year.
Listing-sponsorships start at $100 per year.
Ask about special pricing for listing-sponsorships for more than one consecutive year.
Did you know that you can place an image ad on the right sidebar, where we now have pretty pictures of fiber, yarn, fiber animals, fiber and dye plants, and other fiber-y goodness? Well you can. Contact us for more information.
Happy Lunar New Year. Happenings updated 3/17/25. Events Calendar updated 3/17/25.
Thank you to our listing-sponsors:
Thistle Hill Weavers. Rabbit Goody, Cherry Valley, NY, Weaver and weaving instructor. ; Complete listing in INSTRUCTORS section.
Patchwork Pastures Farm, Hyde Park, NY. Corriedale sheep, fleece, yarn, and breeding stock. Gifts such as wool quilting and penny rugs. Instruction in how to use wool in creative ways. Complete listing in FIBER PRODUCERS section.
Alpacatrax, LLC, Elyse and Joshua Arnow, Pound Ridge, NY, (Farm located in southern Columbia County, NY). Soft, Luxurious farm-raised alpaca and sheep fleeces, yarns, roving, and finished; Complete listing in FIBER PRODUCERS/FARMERS section.
Knit One Needlepoint Too, Monticello, NY. A full-service needlepoint shop.; Complete listing in SHOPS section.
Rabbit Row Yarns & Haberdashery, Corning, NY. An intentionally curated yarn & fiber shop, with products tailored for knitters, crocheters, weavers, dyers, spinners, felters and stitchers of all kinds. Offering minimally processed fiber products from US companies, farms, mills and Complete listing in SHOPS section.
CNY Fiber Artists and Producers, Inc. Sponsors of the CNY Fiber Arts Festival located held in June in Frankfort, NY. Complete listing in CLASSES/EVENTS/FESTIVALS section.
Lehigh Valley Fiber Festival. Contact persons: Hedge Becker & Allison Mackenzie, Fogelsville, PA. Festival held in September in Allentown, PA . Complete listing in CLASSES/EVENTS/FESTIVALS section.
Elmendorph Hand Spinners Guild, Red Hook, NY.
The Guild generally meets on the third Saturday of the month at the Elmendorph Inn in Red Hook, NY (with some occasional exceptions), 10 am to 3 pm. These workdays are open to the public.
Facebook: Complete listing in GUILDS, LIBRARIES, ORGANIZATIONS section.
Woodstock Weavers Guild meet the second Tuesdays of the month 10 am in Port Ewen, NY. Complete listing in GUILDS, LIBRARIES, ORGANIZATIONS section.
Ulster County Handspinners Guild. The guild meets the second Thursday of every month 7 pm in Kingston, NY. Facebook: Complete listing in GUILDS, LIBRARIES, ORGANIZATIONS section.
Please see the listing pages for more details.
Thank you for supporting the Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network.
You too can get listed in the Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network Application information. Ask about our listing-only special.
We celebrate the wonderful fiber animals that are among those raised in the greater Hudson Valley region, along with alpacas, llamas, bison, rabbits and others that we use to provide us with the raw fiber.
There may even be folks raising silkworms.
Animal fibers aren't the only ones we use. There are the plant-based fibers like cotton or nettles. Nettles is a wild plant. We pick the spring leaves to cook, or to dry for later, for our nourishing herbal infusions. Then in the late summer or early fall we gather the stalks, and pound them to get the fiber out. We can grow cotton in the Hudson Valley, but need to start early inside, or grow in a greenhouse. There are lots of plants growing around here that provide the raw materials for baskets and other crafts.
Once we have the fiber we can process it in many ways. With wool, for example, we can wash, card or comb it and then spin it, on a spindle or with a spinning wheel. Or we can send our fiber to a mill and get back batts, rovings, combed top and finished yarn, depending on what we want.
We can dye the fiber in so many glorious colors. Some of the dyes may come from plants or insects, others are from commercial sources. Some people like to dye their fiber, yarn or finished goods themselves. Some have even made successful businesses creating their own unique colorways. Others prefer to buy fiber already dyed. Still others like to use the natural color that the animal or plant provides.
We can do so many things with all this fiber - knit, crochet, weave, felt, rug hook, embroider, quilt, make baskets, and much much more. We are supported by yarn shops that provide fiber and yarn, books and patterns, the tools we need plus helpful assistance and advice. Some shops are associated with farms, where the owners raise animals and use that fiber for unique products in their shops.
There are many others who provide support for our fiber-related activities. There are those who make our tools, who write patterns and books, teach us how to start and help us learn new skills. There are guilds and organizations where we get together with other fiber-loving folks and share ideas. There are fairs and festivals where meet and support purveyors of all kinds of material and equipment for our projects, greet old and new friends, show off our latest creations, and in many cases, visit the barns and say hi to all the fiber-providing animals.
The fiber arts in the greater Hudson Valley region is as diverse as its people. Come join the community. Here's how to apply. Ask about the "March going out like a lamb" special
And keep up with what's happening by checking out our Happenings page.
You can also sign up for our e-newsletter.
Do you have Hudson Valley fiber arts related news and announcements? Let us know. Please contact us.
Become a listing-sponsor and a part of the Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network
Make fiber connections. Let people know who you are and what you do in the fiber arts in the greater Hudson Valley region.
Apply now and help support and be a part of the Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network community.
Reasonable rates. Good benefits. Ask about our "March goes out like a lamb special."
Right now we can only accepts checks for payment. We did this to keep start-up costs low, so we can offer really good rates.
Also contact us if you'd like to become an ad-sponsor.
Listing-Sponsor information:
Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network Application - PDF format
Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network Application - Excel format
Hudson Valley Fibers Arts Network Listing Tiers & Rates
Hudson Valley Fiber Arts Network Listing Categories